Putting your home in Montpelier or Barre up for sale is a big deal. It's a real advantage, and provides real peace of mind if you know, like, and trust the Realtor with whom you're working.
Some people talk about the first meeting with a Realtor as being an interview. I think of it more as a first date, and that's because we're going to spend a lot more time together and get to know a lot more about each other than mere coworkers. There has to be a fit.
If you're not comfortable with someone, you get a weird vibe, or even just don't like the smell of their cologne or perfume, then you should probably keep looking for a Realtor. Just as in a relationship, don't think that you're going to change them.
I've even heard people tell me that they've been told by a Realtor, "I'm not leaving here until you sign the listing agreement." Are you kidding me? That sounds like a threat to me. Think very deeply about whether you want that person representing your house. What are they going to say to buyers??
I'm not suggesting that you ignore competence in favor of people skills. I'm saying you can have both. I'm also not suggesting that I'm the perfect Realtor for all sellers. But if you value integrity, intelligence, and grace along with getting your house sold quickly and at top dollar, then we should talk.
Know more about Montpelier and Barre real estate. Remember Ray.