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Being an out of town owner has its own unique sets of responsibilities and opportunities.

You're here because you want to know what options exist, and what resources there are to help you make the best decisions regarding your real estate in Central Vermont.

Over the years, I have worked with many out of town owners to help them maximize their investment. Whether you're interested in selling, adding to your portfolio, or pursuing a 1031 tax deferred exchange, feel free to call or email.

These services are free, so please take advantage of them.

Out of Town Real Estate Owner Services:

Here are a few of the services that I provide to out of town owners of real estate in Central Vermont:

  • Free digital photographs of your property emailed to the owner once each year. Long distance clients appreciate watching their investment, and monitoring any deferred maintenance and tenant activities.
  • Free list of property management and service vendors that I have personally used (or that come highly recommended from other clients). These people include tradespeople, contractors, attorneys, managers, handymen, accountants,specialists, etc. Not everyone  gets to be on this list. Only the good ones. Send an email for my current list.
  • Free rental comparison analysis. This is most appropriate for multi-family properties, although it does sometimes make sense to do such a detailed analysis for single family or vacation property.
  • Free consultation with a property manager in the area whom I can personally vouch for.
  • Free phone valuation of your property within 48 hours of request. Just answer a few simple questions, and my team will put together a free, no-obligation value analysis. This service has been especially loved not only by clients, but also by estate planners, accountants, and attorneys.
  • Free list of similar properties that may fit your investment parameters. Our expertise is Central Vermont real estate. It may make sense for you to expand your holdings in the area. We can help. Call us at 802-225-6425, or email to Info@GreenLightRealEstate.com.
  • Free investment analysis on investment property. This includes ratio analysis such as internal rates of return, gross rent multipliers, cap rates, cash on cash returns, and more.
  • Free consultation with an accountant regarding the feasibility and opportunities of using a tax deferred IRC Section 1031 exchange. Done correctly, this can save you tens of thousands of dollars or more on taxes.