About Us

About Us

Green Light Real Estate was launched in 2013 with the realization that most brokerages seem to do things the same...old...way. Most brokerages dismiss new ideas with “We tried that once.” or “It’ll never work.” Or, “That might work in other markets, but it won’t work here.”

At most brokerages, the agents compete against each other. Agents consider helping a coworker as taking time away from their own practices. The culture is not one of caring, not one of truly putting clients’ interests and the client experience first.

And, not only is that a lousy place to work, but it’s also not good for clients who just want to buy or sell a house with a professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and energetic Realtor.

So we turned that upside down. At Green Light, we LOVE trying new ideas, we love throwing tough questions at each other and collaborating to find creative solutions. We’re friends with our colleagues, and that makes it super easy for us to pitch in to help each other (which also helps all of our clients).

 We have a stellar team of brokers, agents, a marketing manager, a professional photographer and more. Routinely, three quarters of all of our sales come from past clients, referrals, and people who know, like, and trust us. Which means people really like working with us.

And the name? For a company whose mission is to be forward thinking, optimistic, energetic, creative, that tries new ideas and wants to go further? Green Light says it all. We’re not a franchise, and not part of a national company. We’re 100% local, with offices in Montpelier and Barre.



Press Releases

Annual Holiday Food Drive - November 18, 2018 

GLRE Celebrates 10 Years By Giving Back - June 6, 2023

Green Light Real Estate Illuminates Vermont Real Estate Market with Top Brokerage Recognition - October 14, 2024